Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Our Mission Call

Here we are opening our call online at Panera after thinking that our mission call might not happen at all.  Dave's health concerns had threatened to derail our mission and we were so happy to finally get the call.  Our call originally asked us to report to the Provo MTC on October 7th but they immediately asked if we could move it up to September 2nd.

Dave's call is to serve as an Area Mental Health Adviser in the Europe Area which provides support for 36 European missions.  Joanne will assist Dave where possible and receive another assignment once we arrive in Frankfurt, Germany where will be living for the next 18 months.

We are both so excited to serve the Lord full-time.  Serving in Europe will add to the adventure of it all.  Now the task is to get the house rented, cars sold, my counseling practice wound down in 60 days!  No problem right?