Friday, May 15, 2020

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom

The importance of staying in touch during the quarantine made technology a powerful way to connect. We have used Zoom with family, mission-wide teaching and mission firesides. We've been able to FaceTime  just for fun playing games with grandchildren or reading them stories.

I began meeting with all the missionaries via Zoom or Facebook Live to help them navigate through their quarantine in a more healthy way mission by mission until I had met with all 10 of my missions.  I urged them to keep a regular schedule, exercise and use the mindfulness app that is available for their use.  My concern was for their mental and emotional health during their isolation.  It was a wonderful experience looking into their faces as I did my best to answer their questions and address their concerns.  Over 3000 missionaries were quarantined in the Europe Area. The resiliency they have shown is absolutely amazing.

Mission presidents and their wives serve for three years and are really amazing people.  They often put their careers on hold to serve and are tasked with not only the health and welfare of their missionaries but also the proclaiming of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the countries in which they serve.  I have the opportunity to interact with many of them every day.  In this Zoom call, 10 new mission leader couples were  introduced and trained by the Area Presidency in preparation of taking over their respective missions July 1st.  There are 26 missions in the Europe Area some of which cover multiple countries.

Joanne and I love playing Qwixx with our wonderful grandchildren. Cassidy, Myles and Elliot Baumchen live in Monroe, Washington.  One of them wins every time, Joanne and I are winless so far!  So much fun.

Joanne is great at telling stories to some of our grandchildren, we adore them and these are special times.  This first started with Will and Val's boys, Zander and Sebs but today was with Oliver and Theo.

After Nana was done reading the story, Tom and Brenna's son Oliver wanted his turn to tell Nana a story too.  He is adorable as he really gets into telling one of his favorite stories.

The Italy Milan and Rome missions have been able to arrange some amazing joint firesides for their missionaries.  Joanne and I have been invited to attend and have enjoyed the wonderful speakers that have been so willing to give of their time to try to lift the spirits of the 300+ missionaries in these two missions that have been quarantined now for months.  In the picture above, Sister Causse and Bishop Causse, the Presiding Bishop of the Church spoke.

Brad Robins from the singing group "Gentri" performed virtually with these two missionaries and then he and his wife spoke to the group on a different evening.

Nathan Pacheco, a very talented tenor spoke to the missionaries one night.

A real treat for all of us was the hour that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland spent with the missionaries teaching them and showing his love to them.  In his kind and warm way he reaffirmed to them the Savior's love for each of us. He challenged us each to make the best out of this difficult COVID-19 quarantine time.  It was a special experience to have an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ counsel us.

 In March shortly after COVID-19 was moving rapidly through Europe but BEFORE it really hit the UK and the USA we had our first Zoom call with family.  All of our family was represented, from Germany, England, Virginia, Nebraska, Idaho and Washington. It warmed our hearts so much to see our family and feel our love for each other.  

As the virus impacted England too, we joined with Will and Val and the boys for a Sacrament Meeting together since neither of us could worship in our local chapels.  I have to say that it was one of the most special times we have partaken of the sacrament.

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Thanks for sharing all the ways you're staying in contact!
