Saturday, February 27, 2021


 We headed east to the little town of Gelnhausen on our Saturday adventure.
The cathedral in the center of town was definitely the highlight on a gorgeous day.

As we walked along the trail at the top edge of the city, we came across this war memorial where the names of the fallen from WWI and WWII were displayed.
It was a somber area where we took time to reflect on their sacrifice.

This guy obviously needed some help with the lantern lighting.

Once inside the cathedral, we followed the sign into this small air conditioned room where there were some beautiful tapestries. I was able to translate the information:

This cute little playhouse really caught our eye. Someone was a very clever craftsman.

On our drive home we saw this tiny little church out in the middle of a rural area. 
Oh, the stories it could tell.

We saw several COVID-19 Immunization signs on our travels home. A real sign of the times!
Too bad that the vaccine is rolling out so slowly in Germany. They are still working on giving the "jab" to those over 80.  In the US, most anyone who wants to be immunized can get the shot.

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