Just before our return home, there was a Zone Conference of Senior Missionaries assigned to the Europe Area. What a difference from the COVID time when we were part of just a handful of missionaries left at the Area Office. President and Sister Sabin spoke to us at the conference.
We cleaned our apartment and packed up for our return home. We had previously shipped a few boxes home with some of our Europe treasures so we could comply with the airline baggage limits. It was a strange experience to say our final good-bye to senior missionary friends, the young missionaries and mission leaders that we had worked with. Off to the airport !
This mission release letter sent to our Stake President was given to us when we visited with President Julian to be formally released. It is a loving letter that expresses the Area President's assessment and appreciation for our missionary service. It has brought tears to my eyes many times as I have read it.
To know that the service we gave for almost two years during difficult times was
recognized and appreciated meant a lot to us.
Joanne and I were asked to report to the Stake Executive Committee and share our testimonies the next week and we also spoke in our Ward's Sacrament Meeting.
Joanne gave a great talk and I followed her. The Spirit was present in abundance as we recounted several faith building experiences we shared during this sacred time spent serving together in Europe.
It has been a privilege to serve the Lord full-time together, a sacred and special time.
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