Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Zone Conference - Covid Style

The Area Presidency was being extra cautious as the days counted down to our Zone Conference. Restrictions in Germany were tighter so there was more concern over meeting together. First, the luncheon was cancelled (grab-and-go only), then a group picture wasn't allowed. There was concern that the quartet wouldn't be able to sing, even with social distancing. We were so glad we were able to meet together as a zone. The last zone conference we had was in January.

Sister Karen Anderson gave a wonderful spiritual thought comparing the way bamboo grass intertwines together as it grows to withstand the winds and storms that might come to us as senior missionaries. We  are stronger as we pull together to become a force for good to help the work of the Lord go forth and support one another.

Elder Massimo De Feo was our speaker and he gave us some great advice. He said as senior missionaries we can heal souls. We have demonstrated our faith by accepting a call to serve and he expressed his gratitude for each of us. 

He taught us about Hidden Blessings.

1. Vicarious blessings to our family, D&C 118:3. He will provide for our families. We are planting seeds of faith for many generations, in their hearts and very souls because we chose to serve the Lord. 

2.  Increasing or multiplying blessings. We can never repay our spiritual debt to the Lord. 2 Kings 4:7
Put your offer on the alter and the Lord will bless you. Enjoy your multiple blessings.

3. Transforming blessings. He talked directly to the sisters and said sometimes it's hard to find your role as a missionary. Your fears and weaknesses can be transformed into spiritual knowledge. Ether 12:27; D&C 103:19-20. Exercise your faith and do things that will help you.

4.  Getting to know aspects of the inner soul of our companion. We are being prepared for Eternity as we have a greater feeling of unity. Jacob 1:5. Because of faith ... we know of Christ and His kingdom.

He said the Lord knows you and He is in the details of our lives.

Sister and Elder De Feo, S/E Anderson; E/S Tidwell

Dave and me                       E/S Jenks                        E/S Allcott                   E/S Ballard
 E/S Hicken                     E/S Meservy                    S/E Selvage                  S/E Sandberg

"We Need Thee Every Hour" was sung by the social distancing men's quartet.

Three couples were able to join us via Zoom from London. They are in quarantine for two weeks before coming to Frankfurt. (Top right: the Boams, Bottom left: the Richards and the Seaders (who didn't have their camera on.)

Normally we would enjoy socializing at a luncheon after the conference. Instead, we ordered entrées from a local Italian restaurant with extras added by the committee. Grab-and-Go!
Karen made these amazing caramel apples as our dessert.

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