Friday, December 27, 2019

After Christmas adventure to France - Colmar to Eguisheim to Strausborg

The Christmas markets in France are still going strong after the 25th so we headed out to
 check out the Marché de Noël

And we weren't the only ones who thought that might be a good idea.

Our first stop was Colmar, France

The designer of the Statue of Liberty was from Colmar. In the middle of a round-about there is a replica.

We love the signs on the shops, notice the pretzel theme.
This was a quaint little village nestled in the midst of centuries old wine country.

We seem to be drawn to the bakeries. We're blaming that on Ward and Karen!

The decor was so quaint. I just couldn't get enough.

Equisheim really captured our hearts.

This wine press was from 1703

So, how do you like the hat? 

I couldn't wait to do a "door" post. All of these from Eguisheim had to be included.

Someone is a sucker for samples. Who knew that well-aged (30 months) French cheese could be so expensive.

Holy cow! That's a lot of cheese!

Next stop ... Strasbourg.

 After driving around the outskirts of town, we finally figured out we couldn't park near our hotel. So, we parked at the nearby shopping mall and made our way into the heart of Strasbourg.

The Strasbourg Cathedral was breathtaking. If only pictures could capture the beauty and detail.

Even the stairs to the toilets were adorned with pots of flowers. How French!

An edible nativity?

The river tour was a great way to see the sights in Strasbourg, and staying warm was nice, too.

We were greeted by the missionaries when we got to church on Sunday. They are very careful about who was entering. The property is gated and locked when not in use.

We had our very own 15-year-old translator who sat behind us. 
He was from Portugal and spoke English, French and (of course) Portuguese.

This beautiful flower arrangement adorned the piano with a flare. How French is that!

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