Saturday, June 27, 2020

Felsenmeer - River of Rock

Many people call this place the "River of Rock".  It is a very unusual geologic formation with very large granite boulders rounded like rocks you'd see in a river.  However, there is no river.  These have been pushed up by geologic movement of the earth and exposed.  It wasn't caused by a landslide.

It was a warm day but enjoyed the hike up the hill on this shaded path.  The people on the boulders give some scale to their size.

During the Roman occupation of this region of Germany in the years 100-300AD, these boulders were quarried and cut by means such as this.  The Romans built many fortifications to protect the perimeter of their empire and needed rock.

At one point, the history of this area shows they had as many as 800 people employed here cutting granite for use in buildings, church, and roads.

This perseverance of this tree to survive in the midst of nothing but rocks is remarkable.  There has to be a metaphor there somewhere.


Two big

The view walking down from the hill.

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