Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sacrament Meetings Resume for Frankfurt 2nd Ward

March 8th was the last time we were able to attend a "regular" Sacrament meeting in our chapel.
The COVID-19 restrictions disallowed more than two people meeting together outside a household. 
Permission was given to those holding the holy Melchizedek priesthood to administer the sacrament to their own family and later to those who didn't have the priesthood in their homes. In the last three months, the restrictions have been slowly lifting to the point that on June 14th a few were able to attend, by invitation only, at the church building. Of course, social distancing and face masks were required.

A few screen shots of the first sacrament meeting broadcast live from the Frankfurt chapel.  Elder Russ  and Sister Charmaine Anderson were instrumental in getting everything set up for this event.

Bishop Stuart Farnsworth

Bishop Farnsworth playing the hymns ... while the few in the congregation listen (no singing).
President Metsner is presiding.

Here the ward is welcoming in the three newly baptized members. Sunny Prasong, who was just baptized is shown here with the two sister missionaries who taught Sunny.... social distancing observed.

Sami (from Morocco) shared his 10-year journey looking for the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

He also shared his testimony in the ward newsletter.

What a blessing it is to have technology available to so many so we can feel connected as a ward.

There is also a Come Follow Me Sunday School lesson every week at 11:00 am. The ward is working hard at keeping everyone connected through a weekly newsletter and a RS Facebook group.

Notice the disinfectant spray on the right. After each speaker, the pulpit is wiped clean.

Here Bishop Farnsworth is flanked by his counselors Roberto Hernandez and Luke Allen a few weeks later on June 28th. President and Sister Boyer, the Frankfurt mission leaders, will be going home in a few days. Because the EU isn't allowing US citizens to enter, the new mission leaders are not able to arrive on schedule. There will be interim mission presidents called to preside over several missions. Some of the mission leaders have extended for three months until their replacements can arrive.

We have really felt blessed to participate via technology. Until June 14th, it was just the two of us in our own little sacrament meeting. As was posted earlier, we did join Will and Val and their boys via Face-time in late March. What is missing is the fellowship, but the spirit is strong as we partake of the emblems of the sacrament and renew our covenants each week.

The picture below shows a screen shot of the July 5th Sacrament meeting when gatherings of 50 people were allowed. It was nice to hear the testimonies of several members, as well as Bishop Farnsworth. He and his family will be moving to Kosovo in the coming weeks. He works for the consulate.

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